You are here: 11. Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications > 11.7. FIELD SERVICE Menu > 11.7.1. Field Service - Jobs > Job Photos

Job Photos

You use the Job Photos screen to take photos that are related to the job. These will be sent back to Micronet and can be used, for example, to explain issues or illustrate the tasks performed.


Technical Tip

Note that a maximum of six photos can be attached to any job.

To view or take job photos:

  1. Update the materials you have used on the job.

Refer to "Job Materials".

Micronet displays the Job Photos screen showing any photos that have already been saved for the job.

  1. To take a new photo, select the Camera button on the bottom toolbar.

Micronet displays a camera screen.


Technical Tip

You can use the Flash button on the bottom toolbar to turn the flash on or off.

  1. Frame your photo then select the Capture button on the bottom toolbar to take and save the photo.

Micronet takes the photo and redisplays the Job Photos screen showing the photo you just saved.


  1. To edit or delete a photo, simply tap it.

Micronet displays the photo on the Edit Photo screen.

  1. Change the brightness of the photo if required then select the Save button on the bottom toolbar.


Technical Tip

Currently brightness is the only edit you can make to a photo. Further functionality may be added if requested.

  1. Alternatively, if you want to delete the photo, select the Delete button on the bottom toolbar.

Micronet redisplays the Job Photos screen.


  1. If you want to maintain materials or notes for the job, select the Back button.

Micronet redisplays the Job Materials screen. Refer to "Job Materials" for more information.

  1. When you have entered all the job materials and associated notes, select Complete.

Micronet asks you to confirm that you want to complete the job.

  1. Select Yes.

Micronet displays the job Post-Check screen. For more information, refer to "Job Post-Checks".


Technical Tip

If your mobile device is configured to ask this question after the job post-checks have been completed, simply continue on to the job post-checks.